The scary feminists are coming!

For the next few weeks on BooItsBloo the focus is going to be on gender equality.
I grew up in what I now recognize as an unusually feminist environment.
However, from a young age, whenever I stepped out of my bubble, of school, friends and family, I was confronted with the idea that because of my gender, I couldn’t do/be XYZ. A lot of this was because I went to an all girls school. It would never cross my conscious or subconscious mind not to take X class or join Y club because it was mostly full of boys and maybe I didn’t belong there. My main extracurricular activities were majority male – sailing and robotics. It was in these extracurriculars that every single implication that I was inferior because of my gender were noticed.
For example I would go to school and then the next day be at a robotics competition and someone would say something like, “So are you girls the cheerleaders?”
One of my favorite stories was when the team was having dinner at Pittsburgh and some people came to ask us what kind of team we were (we were all dressed the same). We told them, “we’re a robotics team” and they heard, “we’re an aerobics team”. It was a really funny misunderstanding, but also says something about how in their mind, they heard the word aerobics over the word robotics.
At my first job, I remember a fellow co-worker asking around for someone to help them fix a boat. I was like, “Oh, I can help!” and they just brushed me off and said, “Oh, it’s okay, I’ll get one of the guys to help.” I thought to myself, “da fuqqqqq…. I’m handier than probably ALL OF YOU.”
And of course, you don’t really understand the wage gap, until you find out that you, or a friend of yours is making less than a man who is doing the same job with the same qualifications. Ah, I’ll never forget the feeling. The insult, then the self-doubt, then the anger. In both cases, did anything change even after pursuing action (in one case, even with the CEO of the company)? Nope. I’m just grateful I learned this lesson before I graduated university.
One of the most memorable moments from my whole university experience was when my best friend casually referred to himself a feminist. 😍
And so, this is cause I am extremely passionate about. I could go on and on and on and on until you’re bored silly. I just wanted to give a quick introduction as to why this theme was chosen for this month.
Two tickets to see Taylor Swift’s Reputation Tour in concert in Toronto.
Your CHOICE between August 3 or August 4 2018.
AND!!! I’m willing to trade the tickets I have purchased for myself with you if you want to upgrade your seats. Will it be upper balcony, lower bowl, or FLOOR seats?? The choice is up to YOU.* I bought these tickets on the first day of the pre-sale and hand-picked them so you can rest assured that they are all good seats with full view (unobstructed view of stage, minimal number of people in-front of you**).
(And hopefully, I’ll be rounding up some 2nd and 3rd place prizes as well! Prizes are TBD. Will be suitable for those who aren’t interested or can’t attend our grand prize.)
EDIT: According to our polls the idea of a “Dog Walking Pack” from a top Canadian athleisure store is popular so I’ll be gathering some stuff from them.
In order to qualify you must (1) make a minimum $5 donation to one of these four charities and (2) you must be following us on Instagram.
Save Our Scruff: A Toronto based dog rescue organization who rescues dogs from all over the world.
The Me Too Movement: Because it’s a movement that’s really changing the conversation. Because it is timethat we turned the conversation on the perpetrators and away from the victims. Other charities of your choice that support women’s rights can also be submitted.
Plan International’s Girl Fund: “Women’s rights are human rights!” “The future is female!” But it all starts with empowering girls.
The Brain and Behavior Research Foundation: Because understanding mental illness is something that needs happen.
Email your receipt/screenshot to with the SUBJECT: BLOO’S BIG REPUTATION GIVEAWAY. Donations must be made after December 6, 2017.
Also include your Instagram username.
If you choose to participate in the bonus option of getting 5 new friends to follow us, please reply to your original email (or include in the body) with their usernames.
+3 entries for being one of our first 3000 followers on Instagram.
+3 for donating to any charity that advances women’s rights or helps women.
+2 for sharing a story about gender equality.
+1 entry for getting 5 friends to follow us.