Author: Karen

Book Review: The Lonely Hearts Hotel

Book Review: The Lonely Hearts Hotel

//TLDR// In a word: Meh. The book felt long and contrived in many ways (ie. if slapstick similes are a thing…you can find them here). No warm fuzzies and 33% mildly entertaining. However, as someone who’s guilty pleasure is binge-reading trashy books, there are better 

CEMS Term 2: Italy and beyond!

CEMS Term 2: Italy and beyond!

  Alrighty, here are some low-quality photos of some high-quality times. The highlights of my adventures and misdemeanors Jan-June 2017 as told through snapchat.

My experience with medications

My experience with medications

There’s a lot you don’t really find out about going on psychiatric drugs until you’re in the throes of it. Recently some of the side effects have been driving me a little crazy, so I thought I’d share some of my thoughts. Escitalopram (Cipralex/Lexapro) is 

Where to Shop Canadian!

Where to Shop Canadian!

After being away for a year I have come back with a stronger sense of national pride. I got the sense that Canada is like the “cool” place to be from. Like, if you say you’re from Canada people are all, “Oooo Canada! Your PM 

Pupdate 3: Report Card

Pupdate 3: Report Card

Bloo bloo is 11 weeks old today. Here is how she’s doing after 2 weeks of being home. Puppy manners: With hoomans: C During evening zoomies bloo goes away and bloocifer comes out. We do not enjoy the company of bloocifer because she bites. If 

Monday Loving: 90s Style Hair Scrunchies

Monday Loving: 90s Style Hair Scrunchies

  (1) Shopbop. I love the super summery print with a subtle floppy bow. (2) France Luxe. For a super luxe, silk scrunchie. (3) Anthropologie. This is the one I’ve been wearing all weekend. I find that the elastic could be a little more substantial. Also, word of 

A tidbit on family

A tidbit on family

You don’t get to choose your family, so if you have a good one, you’ve basically won the lottery in life. I’m so grateful that I’ve had three doting grandparents throughout my childhood. My last grandparent, my grandpa, passed recently and it made me think 

Summer Goals Checklist

Summer Goals Checklist

Some of you might be wondering what I’m up to right now. These are my 4 priorities to accomplish by the end of summer.   Being back home means getting back into a routine. For me that means regular therapy sessions so I can continue 

Pupdate 2: My Dog is Fearless

Pupdate 2: My Dog is Fearless

Bloo had her first bath with me yesterday! So bloo isn’t really phased by anything, except for being left alone in any capacity. Even if something is alarming the first time, she’ll cautiously reassess the situation and give it another go. This goes for particularly 

Around town in the Bloo-mobile

Around town in the Bloo-mobile

    Turns out little miss bloo is great in a car and terrible alone. I toted her around (literally) everywhere I went on the weekend. I didn’t want her to associate her crate with being abandoned and I definitely didn’t want her to soil