When I’m really anxious, I have the urge to run. I NEED to run. It might start out as an urge to hide from a situation, but the innate sense to just GO is so strong, if I don’t, I will have a panic attack. …
Until recently I have never liked using make up brushes because fingers are free; they require maintenance and fingers are easier to clean; and the good ones are expensive. Then I heard about these Elf Cosmetics Beautifully Precise line – yes, I know that the …
First off, CBT therapy is very effective for treating anxiety and it has definitely helped me. I am super picky with therapy and therapists. When you and your therapist get along and just click it’s magic. I call going to therapy going to the Brain …
For the next few weeks on BooItsBloo the focus is going to be on gender equality. I grew up in what I now recognize as an unusually feminist environment. However, from a young age, whenever I stepped out of my bubble, of school, friends and …
Just a Canadian girl trying to get her hands on US only subscription boxes sooooo HERE THEY ARE FINALLY. My Sephora Play! boxes from the last 2 months! December 2017’s box’s theme was Glam Straight. Super excited that I finally have the box in my hands. …
Bloo has peed on her mattress (by accident! I jumped out at her when we were playing and she was so surprised she wet herself haha) and today she puked on it! Usually if you catch “spills” quickly, you can mop them up. However, this …
Ma revoo of da Sephora Favorites Give Me Some Nude Lip January 2018 lip kit because I’m addicted to minis!!!!! Also the feeling of scoring a deal. The only one who scored was Sephora. Goodbye money. 🖖 Swatches Definitions: 🤓 Full size: Whatever is on Sephora’s website Retail …
First off, we all have our vices, our armour. Something that brings us joy (perhaps even confidence) every time we look at it, shop for it, use it, spend time with it. There are car people, bag people, makeup junkies, but me? Hi, my name …
Above image taken from Bite Beauty’s Process for Innovation video Alright nerds, this is what I’ve been spending my afternoon doing. Because like, sometimes a girl just wants to watch factory videos. I put together a good sampling of how different textures are made because …
Can anyone spot my hilarious fail at using Preview’s editing tools? ^ Just wanted to declare my love slash obsession with ma BOOM BOOM cream. (How they pronounce bum bum in Brazil). I want to chuck these little orange pots of awesome at everyone down …